Land of Black Ice

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The Land of Black Ice is an arctic wasteland located in the northwestern Flanaess, north of the Burneal Forest and Blackmoor, east of the Dramidj Ocean, and west of the Icy Sea. The land gets its name from the vast sheet of blue-black ice that covers it as far as the eye can see.

Ecology[edit | edit source]

Worgs, dire wolves, snowflake lichens, woolly mammoths, ravens, caribou, wolves, frost folk, snow goblins, snow spiders, and rusalka are found in this land. A few patches of woeful pine trees can also occasionally be found in the region.

Inhabitants[edit | edit source]

The only humans living near the Land of Black Ice are the Baklunish Guryik folk on the Dramidj coast, and the Suloise Zeai, or Sea Barbarians, who dwell on a section of Icy Sea coastline known as the Tusking Strand. Within the Land of Black Ice proper are said to dwell all manner of horrid arctic monsters, so few humans enter the region. Tales are told of wights, frost men, evil spirits, black-skinned trolls, and blue-furred bugbears inhabiting the wasteland.

Features and settlements[edit | edit source]

The fabled City of the Gods is said to lie just outside the Land of Black Ice, near Blackmoor. Those few who have entered the city and escaped alive, among them Mordenkainen and Sir Robilar, tell tales of an artificially warm city of tall iron buildings, powerful magic, and strange automatons.

Legends tell of another region beyond the ice, a land of lush jungles and an unmoving sun. Such legends give some reason to believe that the Oerth is hollow, containing another world within the inside of the globe, to which entry is gained via great openings in the poles.

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

———. "Raiders of the Black Ice." Dungeon #115. Bellevue, WA: Paizo Publishing, 2004.
  • Baur, Wolfgang, James Jacobs, and George Strayton. Frostburn: Mastering the Perils of Ice and Snow. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2004.
  • Gygax, Gary. The World of Greyhawk. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1980.
———. World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1983.

External link[edit | edit source]

The Index is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda through '08, and his work as continued and updated by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIoia, Jason "PupickDad" Jacobson, a French fan group, and numerous other fans over the years. The wiki page for the EGI has a list of sources, full product names, abbreviations, and a link to the full, downloadable index.

Topic Type Description Product Page/Card/Image

Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, LT2 Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad 47
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, Dragon magazine #068 43
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, Dragon magazine #230 15
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, Dragon magazine #265 58
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess 62, 64
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, From the Ashes: References Card #12
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, Greyhawk Adventures 100, 101
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 34, 114, 115, 139, 148, 151, 154
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, Player's Guide to Greyhawk 3, 4, 6, 8
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, The Adventure Begins 10, 14, 17, 36, 38
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, The World of Greyhawk Fantasy World Setting (Folio) 9, 23, 25
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, World of Greyhawk boxed set (1983) 20, 54, 60
Land of Black Ice Region Wasteland, World of Greyhawk boxed set (1983) 15