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Greyhawk Realm
Kingdom of Sunndi
The arms of Sunndi, as depicted in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (2000).
Region: Old Aerdy East
Ruler: Hazendel I
Government: Feudal hereditary monarchy
Capital: Pitchfield

Sunndi is a nation of the southeastern Flanaess, lying to the south of the former Great Kingdom.

History[edit | edit source]

A thousand years ago, Suloise refugees fleeing from the ruin of the Twin Cataclysms entered the fertile lands south of the Rieuwood and befriended the indigenous grey elves. Later invasions by Oeridian raiders conquered the Suloise/elven alliance, but time was on Sunndi's side and gradually the Oeridians were integrated.

An oppressed county of South Province[edit | edit source]

After Aerdy conquered all Oeridian lands following the Battle of a Fortnight's Length in CY -110, Sunndi was made a part of the South Province of the Great Kingdom. However, one of the overkings made Sunndi a separate fief within the South Province, the count of Sunndi owing fealty to the herzog (prince) of South Province. The count of Sunndi was also appointed by the herzog, and the post was usually granted to the noble who promised to deliver the most tribute from Sunndi. This resulted in oppressive taxation and overfarming, as well as suppression of non-human races.

Independence and membership in the Iron League[edit | edit source]

When the Iron League was formed by the Free City of Irongate, Idee, and Onnwal in 447 CY in opposition to the Great Kingdom, Sunndi rebelled against its masters, driving the herzog's soldiers out of Sunndi and joining the League in 455 CY. The grey elf Count Turentel Esparithen formed a government based on mutual respect for all peoples of Sunndi.

South Province invades[edit | edit source]

The herzogs of South Province attempted to retake Sunndi several times over the next century without success. However in 577 CY, South Province received the backing it needed from the mad overking Ivid the Undying, and successfully invaded.

At the same time, bullywugs attacked from the Vast Swamp, pulling needed troops from the northern defenses. Although the bullywug invasion was contained and the monsters driven back into the swamp, the South Province army took advantage of the divided Sunnd forces, and finally took the capital of Pitchfield in CY 583. It seemed that the battle for Sunndi was over, for nothing now stood between the herzog and Sunndi's fertile lands. However, a newly re-dedicated Sunnd army under the hero Osson of Almor met the South Province army at the Battle of Rieuwood and was triumphant, although an attempt by Osson to follow the herzog's troops across the Thelly River into South Province failed and the Sunnd army was forced to retreat back to Sunndi.

A new kingdom[edit | edit source]

Although Sunndi had regained its independence, the fall of Iron League members Idee and Onnwal to South Province in 586 CY reminded Sunndi how tenuous freedom could be. In 589 CY, Count Hazendel declared Sunndi to be a fully independent kingdom, and proclaimed that all old ties with the Great Kingdom were forever severed. Hazendel became Olvenking Hazendel the Defender. The few Aerdi-descended noble houses that remained in Sunndi were ordered to rename themselves and swear allegiance to the crown.

In 590 CY, a Congress of Lords, composed of eighteen scions from both human and nonhuman noble houses, was appointed to advise the olvenking. Sunndi was subdivided into eighteen counties, and each lord of the Congress was appointed count of one of these new regions.

Increased raids by monsters from the Vast Swamp reminded the Sunnd government of the historic cycle of bullwug invasions, and Hazendel ordered the construction of new forts along the edge of the swamp against an expected invasion within the next few years. Investigation suggested that followers of Wastri, upset by the good relations between humans and nonhumans in Sunndi, and especially repelled by the thought of an elf on the throne, may have been behind the new round of attacks.

Geography[edit | edit source]

Sunndi is a warm and fertile land in the southeast corner of the Flanaess, lying between the Rieuwood Forest and Glorioles Mountains to the north, the Hestmark Highlands to the east, the Pawluck River to the west and the Vast Swamp to the south.

Although this is an easily defended land, its defensive strength is also its weakness, since it has no easy trade outlet for its grain, gold, electrum, and gems. And the Vast Swamp is both a blessing and a curse, for although it defends Sunndi's southern border, it is also home to disease, strange monsters, and warlike bullywugs that emerge from the fens every fifteen to twenty years.

Given its subtropical location, Sunndi's climate is warm year-round, with plentiful rainfall in the autumn and winter, and humid heat during the spring and summer. Snow is a sure sign of magical evil afoot.

People[edit | edit source]

Population[edit | edit source]

Sunndi's population numbers about 125,000, of which 79% are human of Oeridian and Suloise extraction, 9% are grey elves, 5% are mountain and hill dwarves, 3% are gnomes, 2% are halflings, 1% are half-elves, and 1% are other races. These races live in harmony and mutual self-defense.

Religion[edit | edit source]

No single religion dominates this region, but significant deities worshiped include Pelor, Trithereon, Lydia, the Oeridian agricultural gods, the Seldarine, the dwarvish pantheon, the gnomish pantheon, Ulaa, Fortubo, Jascar, Norebo, and Boccob.

Languages[edit | edit source]

Government[edit | edit source]

Sunndi is a feudal hereditary monarchy ruled by His Brilliant Majesty, Olvenking Hazendel I, Defender of Sunndi and Protector of the South. The country is divided into eighteen counties, each ruled by a count who sits on the advisory Congress of Lords. The capital city is Pitchfield.

Administrative divisions[edit | edit source]

Executive branch[edit | edit source]

Legislative branch[edit | edit source]

Judicial branch[edit | edit source]

Heraldry[edit | edit source]

Economy[edit | edit source]

Resources[edit | edit source]

Currency[edit | edit source]

Transportation[edit | edit source]

Military[edit | edit source]

Sunndi in Living Greyhawk[edit | edit source]

In the Living Greyhawk campaign that ran from 2001 to 2008, Sunndi was assigned to the countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, and placed within the Splintered Suns metaregion.

As outlined above, the previously published history of Sunndi was complete up to 590 CY, but there was very little material about the social, geographical, political and religious fabric of Sunndi.

In the months before the official launch of the campaign in 2000, the first Sunndi Triad (three volunteer campaign administrators) and a volunteer design team worked to flesh out a proposed social background and geographical setting for Sunndi. This included a more complete description of deities worshiped in Sunndi, the legal system of the new kingdom, names and rulers of the eighteen counties, notable personalities of the kingdom, and other minutiae of life in Sunndi.

Timeline of Sunndi during the Living Greyhawk Campaign[edit | edit source]

This is the history of Sunndi during the Living Greyhawk campaign.

CY 592[edit | edit source]

Olvenking Hazendel asserted his authority over the old Aerdy noble houses that were refusing to make a break their ties with the Great Kingdom.

CY 593[edit | edit source]

The threat of a generational attack on Sunndi from bullywugs of the Vast Swamp seemed to be strengthening before the forts being built along the southern border could be completed. This threat seemed to be driven by followers of Wastri.

CY 594[edit | edit source]

A priest of Nerull has evil designs on the Silent Valley.

The long-dreaded invasion of bullywugs from the Vast Swamp began, forcing war upon Sunndi.

CY 595[edit | edit source]

Although the evil priest of Nerull had been killed, his ghost continued to haunt Silent Valley until it was destroyed.

The war against the Wastrian bullywugs continued.

See also[edit | edit source]

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

———. World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1983.

External links[edit | edit source]

Disclaimer:Any lore presented through the following links does not necessarily adhere to established officially published content, and the views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki.

The Index is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda through '08, and his work as continued and updated by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIoia, Jason "PupickDad" Jacobson, a French fan group, and numerous other fans over the years. The wiki page for the EGI has a list of sources, full product names, abbreviations, and a link to the full, downloadable index.

Topic Type Description Product Page/Card/Image

Common coin - Copper piece (Sunndi) Item Coin, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 110
Gemcutter's Tools of Sunndi Item Encyclopedia Magica - Volume II 530
Gemcutter's Tools of Sunndi Item Encyclopedia Magica - Volume IV 1583, 1586, 1620, 1654
Gemcutter's Tools of Sunndi Item Greyhawk Adventures 79
New Crown coin - Gold pieces (Sunndi) Item Coin, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 110
New Plate coin - Platinum pieces (Sunndi) Item Coin, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 110
Noble coin - Electrum pieces (UKoAhlissa, Bone March, Greyhawk, North Kingdom, Sea Barons, Sunndi) Item Coin, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 21, 35, 51, 72, 99, 110
Silver coin - Silver pieces (Sea Princes, Sunndi, Yeomanry) Item Coin, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 100, 110, 134
Sunnd {Sunndi, Sunndians} People Group People, Dragon magazine #057 16
Sunnd {Sunndi, Sunndians} People Group People, Dragon magazine #302 99
Sunnd {Sunndi, Sunndians} People Group People, From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess 39
Sunnd {Sunndi, Sunndians} People Group People, Player's Guide to Greyhawk 16
Sunnd {Sunndi, Sunndians} People Group People, The Scarlet Brotherhood 3, 5, 7
Sunnd {Sunndi, Sunndians} People Group People, The World of Greyhawk Fantasy World Setting (Folio) 16
Sunnd {Sunndi, Sunndians} People Group People, World of Greyhawk boxed set (1983) 37
Sunndi Swamplands Geographical feature Swamp, From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess 3
Sunndi Swamplands Geographical feature Swamp, World of Greyhawk boxed set (1983) 8
Sunndi Sweet Violet Wine Item Beverage (wine), The City of Greyhawk: Folks, Feuds and Factions 65
Sunndi Sweet Violet Wine Item Beverage (wine), Living Greyhawk, Living Onnwal Gazetteer, D&D 3.5e
Sunndi Sweet Violet Wine Item Beverage (wine), Return of the Eight 43
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), The City of Greyhawk: Folks, Feuds and Factions 65
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dance of Demons 41
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #052 18, 19, 20
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #055 18
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #057 13, 15, 16
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #063 16, 17
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #065 12
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #191 67
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #225 53
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #297 92
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #302 98
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #302 99
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #306 95
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #315 51, 52, 53, 54
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Dragon magazine #351 44
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), From the Ashes: Atlas of the Flanaess 5, 7, 9, 10, 12-14, 17, 26, 36, 39, 46, 47, 55, 58, 59, 60, 74, 92
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), From the Ashes: Campaign Book 77
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), From the Ashes: References Card #10
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), From the Ashes: References Card #2
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Greyhawk Adventures 79, 81, 91
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Greyhawk Wars: Adventures 4, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 26, 27
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Ivid the Undying 3, 11, 97, 117, 119, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 136, 153, 154, 155, 158, 160
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Living Greyhawk, Living Onnwal Gazetteer, D&D 3.5e 10, 11, 12, 15, 26, 27, 33, 37, 41, 107
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 6, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 68, 71, 75, 78, 79, 80, 96, 98, 110, 111, 112, 141, 142, 145, 152, 154, 158, 162, IBC
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Living Greyhawk Journal #0 3, 13
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Living Greyhawk Journal #1 4, 32
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Player's Guide to Greyhawk 7-10, 12, 16, 24, 34, 37
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Return to the Tomb of Horrors 10
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), S1 Tomb of Horrors 2
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), S1-4 Realms of Horror, Adventure Booklet 6
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), The Adventure Begins 18, 19, 27-30
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), The Tomb of Horrors—Greyhawk Classics Book 7 IC
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), Tomb of Horrors (Revised), D&D 3.5e 2
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), The Scarlet Brotherhood 24, 31
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), WG12 Vale of the Mage 48
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), The World of Greyhawk Fantasy World Setting (Folio) IBC, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 22, 25
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), WGR4 The Marklands 59, 63
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), WGS2 Howl From the North 46
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), World of Greyhawk boxed set (1983) 13, 23, 30, 35, 37, 49-51, 54, 59, IBC
Sunndi, Kingdom of Kingdom (576 pop: 50000), (591 pop: 125000), World of Greyhawk boxed set (1983) 11, 17, 31, 32
Sunndish Lilac Wine Item Beverage (wine), Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, D&D 3.0e 14
Sunndish Lilac Wine Item Beverage (wine), T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil 14